Reach and Reflect

Ep. 2 Maite Kuyasin – Artist, Poet, Musician (Medicine Music)

Episode Summary

Hello and welcome to Reach and Reflect, a podcast where we interview guests from both traditional and alternative life paths, with the aim of figuring out, for the benefit of our audience, where they find fulfillment and meaning. In her own words, at 25 years old, Maite Kuyasin is an artist, poet, and muse in full pursuit of the truth of the soul. In this episode, her daringly raw authenticity is a breath of fresh air in a world of highlight reels and fake media personalities. She believes that those that free themselves, free others. Not one to mince words, prepare to get esoteric and “woo” as we delve into her perspectives on the meta-structure of the universe itself as revealed by her tumultuous yet supremely uplifting story. We did our best to delve into the low-lights in order to provide actionable advice for anyone who should find themselves in similar situations. As always, we ask our audience to check in with how well this guest resonates with you. Resonance may be a sign that your path and purpose is along the same lines as our guest’s. Thank you and if you enjoy this episode please leave a rating or review!

Episode Notes

Age: 25

Place of Origin: Tahiti / British Columbia / SF Bay Area

Parents: Dual / Immigrants

Traditional Path: College / Marketing (quit)

Alternative Path: Artist / Medicine Music

Self-Improvement Practices: Meditation, Yoga, Plant Medicine, Music

Contact info:  

Relevant links: Click here for here Soundcloud